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Help hub is an application that allows users to view gigs or tasks around their city that they can volunteer to do while also earning money. This requires the user to create an account to view the gigs to sign up for and give information like their email, and gigs for others to view.

Technologies Used

Installation/ Application Usage

To install necessary dependencies, run the following command: "npm i".

To run the server in the CLI: "npm start".

Future Development

Some future development ideas are as follows:

Having an “accept” button that removes the gig from the main page so that it can’t be accepted by more than one user

Having a way to see another user’s profile page/in app communication

Having more information on the profile page (About me, skills, etc.)/and a way to update that information

Having a way to edit your gig if you need to make changes to it

Add gigs button that directs to a different page for gig form

Screenshots of the application